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A DSEAR risk assessment is required for work with dangerous substances which could cause fire or explosion. We guarantee assessments that are relevant, detailed and instructive. 
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DSEAR Risk Assessment

A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement for all non-domestic premises.  We specialise in risk assessing your premises in depth and create easy to understand action plans.

Fire Risk Assessment

Door Assessment

Houses of Multiple Occupation are legally required to provide a fire risk assessment for their communal areas. Fast and efficient delivery is guaranteed. 

HMO Risk Assessment

Legionella may be present in very low concentrations in many water systems but by careful control it will be prevented from multiplying.


There are two purposes of a COSHH assessment, in relation to risk from exposure to hazardous substances, firstly find out what the situation is and secondly decide what to do about it.
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Partner with us to confidently and keep track of the services we provide on our online SAFE Portal. We provide a wide range of Planned Premises Management Services which includes unlimited off site support.

Premises Management

This can be a daunting task for many. Our expertise is in writing policies that are easy to understand, follow, taking your organisation's health and safety beyond the required level.
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Health & Safety

We are passionate about training. Our courses are designed to engage the participants with a common sense approach. The proof is in the fantastic feedback we get from our delegates.

Training Courses

We understand the challenges of running a care home and have designed  our services to accommodate the working environment while ensuring safety is paramount at all times.

Care Home Safety

Accurate  Evacuation Plans are crucial in a successful Evacuation of the premises. Our colour coded fire zone plans include your personalised Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Fire Strategy.

Evacuation Plans

Fire Engineering Consultations aim to work with clients to achieve their project. Our unmatched knowledge in Fire Safety identifies issues and provides solutions.

Fire Engineering



Safe Experts, where safety meets excellence.

We are passionate to go beyond the required standards and enhance Fire, Health & Safety Management for your organisation.

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SAFE Experts Ltd reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organisation of such changes or improvements. Copyright © 2019 | Safe Experts Ltd | All rights reserved | Company Registration: 11916914

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